New York Association for Continuing and Community Education
Title: Stop. Collaborate and Listen: Planning and Co-Teaching in Adult Education
Date: 4/16/2024
Time: 12:00pm – 1:00pm
Description: When we think about co-teaching, we usually think of the k-12 model, which pairs one general education and one special education teacher, with the goal of serving the most students in the least restrictive environment. To attempt this in adult education seems impossible, with programs that often rely on volunteers and have limited funds. However, much can be learned from the co-teaching model about how to best collaborate with our fellow teachers and tutors. Spend a lunch with us learning about the different types of co-teaching models, the dos and don'ts of working together, and how this valuable practice can be adapted for adult ed teachers.
Presenter: Sarah Mills, Deputy Executive Director, CORE, The Learning Center
"NYACCE" is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.
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