New York Association for Continuing and Community Education |
The NYACCE Board
AMY MAZUR President Director of Operations Literacy Buffalo Niagara
MARIA HUNTINGTON Immediate Past-President Adult Services Administrator Champlain Valley Education Services (CVES) BOCES |
KATIE LABONTE President Elect Adult Literacy Coordinator Champlain Valley Educational Services
NELL ECKERSLEY VP of Communications Director of Digital Equity Projects Literacy Assistance Center |
SARAH MILLS VP of Events Deputy Executive Director Literacy West
ALYSON TRUDEAU Treasurer Coordinator Putnam-Northern Westchester BOCES
COLEEN MACALUSO Secretary Assistant Director for Adult Education Ulster BOCES
TARIN BREADY Delegate Previous Vocational Case Manager Adult Education, Capital Region BOCES |
SUSAN DIEMERT Delegate Literacy Specialist Orleans-Niagara BOCES |
JESSE ROYLANCE Delegate Director Schenectady City Schools |
JOE CAMPBELL Coordinator, Capital North Adult Education Program Director Franklin-Essex-Hamilton BOCES
KAREN DISPO-DE-BOOS Coordinator, Capital North Executive Director of Literacy Volunteers of Clinton, Essex, and Franklin Counties |
CODY NETZBAND Coordinator, Capital North New York State's Customer Manager BurlingtonEnglish Cody Netzband has spent the last 15 years within the education and training field, with the last 7 years working as both an Adult Education administrator and Regional Adult Education Network (RAEN) director for the state of New York. Currently, Cody is working as New York State’s Customer Manager for BurlingtonEnglish. A leader within the field, he boasts a deep understanding of state and federal adult education funding streams, policy, and data collection. Cody holds a Master of Science in Education degree with a focus on Literacy Instruction. Furthering his education, he obtained certificates from Rutgers University for Supply Chain Management and Cornell University for Project Management. Outside of his work with NYACCE and BurlingtonEnglish, he holds a board position with (NENYCOSH) Northeastern New York Coalition for Occupational Safety and Health. |
MICHELLE STOCKWELL Coordinator, Capital North Administrator for Adult Programs Washington-Saratoga-Warren-Hamilton-Essex BOCES
CHRISTINE THOMAS Coordinator, Hudson Valley Adult Education Literacy Coordinator Dutchess BOCES |
LIA FESTENSTEIN Coordinator, Finger Lakes Executive Director Office of Adult and Career Education Services (OACES) Division of Rochester School District |
REBECCA HOROWITZ Coordinator, Finger Lakes Assistant Director Monroe 2-Orleans BOCES Center for Workforce Development |
STEVE WARNER Coordinator, Finger Lakes Regional Program Director Literacy West NY, Inc./CORE The Learning Center |
LISA LEE Coordinator, West and Past-President CEO Literacy West
CHANTAL MICHAUX Coordinator, West Case Manager Buffalo Public Schools |
AMANDA VELLAKE Coordinator, West Director of Adult Education Buffalo Public Schools
PAULA DASILVA MICHELIN Coordinator, New York City Director of Programs Center for Immigrant Education and Training and NYC Welcome Back Center Division of Adult and Continuing Education LaGuardia Community College (CUNY) Paula DaSilva Michelin holds a Doctorate in Education in Leadership and Innovation from New York University and a Master’s Degree in TESOL from The City University of New York (CUNY). She currently holds the position of Director at The Center for Immigrant Education and Training and the NYC Welcome Back Center at LaGuardia Community College (CUNY) where she oversees programs that offer free ESOL classes and workforce training to support low-income immigrants in New York City. She has managed a broad range of federal, state, municipal, and private outcomes-driven ESOL sponsored projects, including multiple curriculum development initiatives, an area in which she teaches at the graduate level; she was previously named a New York Times ESOL Teacher of the Year. |
ELAINE ROBERTS Coordinator, New York City Director of Programs, International Center-ESOL Catholic Charities Community Services |
NIKEISHA SMOTHERS Coordinator, New York City Manager of Operations, Adult Learning Centers Brooklyn Public Library |
BARBARA EGLOFF Coordinator, Long Island Divisional Administrator for Career, Technical, and Adult Education Eastern Suffolk BOCES |
LAURIE BARGSTEDT Historian Coordinator Hamilton-Fulton-Montgomery BOCES
Elizabeth Jackson STAC Liaison - Downstate Director of NYC STAC Literacy Assistance Center |
KATHY HOUGHTON STAC Liaison - Upstate STAC Director/Executive Director Literacy New York
JAMES MATT RAEN Liaison Director Central / Southern Tier Regional Adult Education Network (RAEN) |